How to be a referee and work for Pleasant Hill Soccer Club
If you are a certified referee and would like to be a referee for the Pleasant Hill Soccer Club, contact our referee assignor - Andrew Hawkins
If you are interested in becoming a referee, please visit
to register for a class to become certified. Certified referees must re-certify every year.
Starting the Recertification process
All Recertifications begin at
Log in as an official in group 1516 and select clinic you want to attend from "Courses" (system will only let you see clinics based on prior years registration status)
Once you completed signup for that clinic you can then look for and start "session tracker" and you will:
- Have access to any required online testing
- Have access to any required online modules to complete
If "1" and "2" are done, when you physically attend and pass a recert clinic you will be given your new badge.
If you attend a clinic and do not complete all requirements first, when you do complete all the requirements you will be mailed your badge if you bring a self-addressed pre-stamped envelope to the clinic for the instructor to use.
If you sign up for a clinic, pay your fees or complete any or all requirements, and then find you cannot attend you must contact your district system administrator so that your signup can be removed from that clinic afterwards. After they remove you, then when you signup for another clinic your payment and progress will follow you and automatically appear on your new clinic.